Recognizing Faces of Moving People by Hierarchical Image-Set Matching
This paper proposes a novel method for recognizing
faces in a cluster of moving people. In this task, there are
two problems caused by motion, which are occlusions, and
changes in facial pose and illumination. Multiple cameras
are used to acquire near-frontal faces to avoid occlusions
and profile faces. The Hierarchical Image-Set Matching
(HISM) creates a distribution for each individual by integrating
a set of face images of the same individual acquired
from the multiple cameras. By adopting a method for comparing
between test and training distributions in identification,
variation in pose and illumination is alleviated, and
good recognition accuracy can be obtained. Experimental
results using video sequences containing 349 people show
that the proposed method achieves high recognition performance
compared with conventional methods, which use
frame-by-frame identification and a distribution obtained
from a single camera.
[Publications (Japanese) ]
- 西山 正志, 湯浅 真由美, 柴田 智行, 若杉 智和, 山口 修,
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, Vol. J90-D, No. 8, pp. 2191 - 2201,
- 西山 正志, 湯浅 真由美, 若杉 智和, 柴田 智行, 山口 修,
第12回 画像センシングシンポジウム (SSII), pp. 231 - 238, June 2006.