Aesthetic Quality Classification of Photographs Based on Color Harmony
Aesthetic quality classification plays an important role in how people
organize large photo collections. In particular, color harmony is a key
factor in the various aspects that determine the perceived quality of a
photo, and it should be taken into account to improve the performance of
automatic aesthetic quality classification. However, the existing models
of color harmony take only simple color patterns into
consideration-e.g., patches consisting of a few colors-and thus cannot
be used to assess photos with complicated color arrangements. In this
work, we tackle the challenging problem of evaluating the color harmony
of photos with a particular focus on aesthetic quality classification. A
key point is that a photograph can be seen as a collection of local
regions with color variations that are relatively simple. This led us to
develop a method for assessing the aesthetic quality of a photo based on
the photo's color harmony. We term the method
`bags-of-color-patterns.' Results of experiments on a large photo
collection with user-provided aesthetic quality scores show that our
aesthetic quality classification method, which explicitly takes into
account the color harmony of a photo, outperforms the existing
methods. Results also show that the classification performance is
improved by combining our color harmony feature with blur, edges, and
saliency features that reflect the aesthetics of the photos.
[Publication (Japanese) ]